Hospital Cleaning Service

Hospital Cleaning Service Provider


Common hospital housekeeping duties include mopping, vacuuming and sweeping floors; cleaning windows and dusting furniture; washing and changing linens on patients' beds; and ensuring that all waste is disposed of properly.

1. Clean your hands—and request that others do the same. ...
2. Don't contribute to the clutter. ...
3. Clean your over-the-bed tray. ...
4. Never use a dirty pillow. ...
5. Visitor etiquette. ...
6. Take your slippers off. ...
7. A word about patient bathrooms

First, clear the floor of all items, such as baskets, towels, toilet plungers, etc. Second, sweep up any dust that collected on the floor, especially in the corners. Third, use a vacuum to remove any remaining debris. Fourth, mix warm water and an all-purpose cleaner in a bucket, and mop the floor.

1. Protect Staff. First, facility managers should stock gloves, gowns, face, and eye protection to protect staff who are responsible for cleaning up after each patient. ...
2. Remove Soiled Linens. ...
3. Clean Up Fluids. ...
4. Disinfect Medical Equipment. ...
5. Wipe Down Surfaces. ...
6. Sweep and Mop Floor